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An analysis of seven platforms for the best cryptocurrency tax software in 2023

The realm of cryptocurrency can make tax season feel more daunting. To ease the burden, we’ve tested seven cryptocurrency tax software platforms to find the one that simplifies this complex task the most—Awaken.Tax emerged as our top pick for October 2023. It stood out with its intuitive interface, enabling easy manual classifications when needed, and high accuracy in transaction categorization.

We started our testing with around $500 in USDC, engaging in various transactions, and then assessed how each software handled tax calculations. Our goal was to identify platforms that provide the most accurate, automated, and user-friendly experience in preparing a crypto tax report.

While other platforms like CoinTracker and Crypto Tax Calculator also performed well, they didn’t match Awaken.Tax’s ease of use and accuracy. Below, we delve deeper into our findings, providing a comparative analysis to help you choose the right crypto tax software for your needs.

Our Top Pick for November 2023

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Awaken Tax was one of the best performers during our tax exercise. The software automatically classified the vast majority of our transactions. In instances where manual classifications were required, they were easy to make with Awaken’s intuitive interface.


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Awaken Tax was one of the best performers during our tax exercise. The software automatically classified the vast majority of our transactions. In instances where manual classifications were required, they were easy to make with Awaken’s intuitive interface.

  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • High degree of accuracy and automation
  • Support for complex transactions

Crypto Tax Software Ratings for 2023

VIDEO: Watch This BEFORE You Do Your Crypto Taxes

We spent hours analyzing various crypto tax software. We then rated our experience with each of them. The table below summarizes our overall experience calculating our taxes on crypto with each tool.

Many of these crypto tax apps offer, limited, free trials. In addition, the basic packages have a limit on the number of transactions they will process per tax year. So, those with a large number of transactions will need to purchase a more expensive package. Check the websites for details on the different plans offered.

Below the table, we walk through our methodology and how we went about testing each of these crypto tax tracker tools.

SoftwareBase Plan & Cost / yearMax Transactions CountedOverall ExperienceAccuracyAutomationUser Experience
Awaken ($75)300Good🟨🟩🟩
CoinTrackerHobbyist ($59)100Good🟨🟩🟩
Crypto Tax CalculatorRookie ($49)100Good🟩🟥🟩
CoinLedgerHobbyist ($49)100Average🟨🟨🟩
KoinlyNewbie ($49)100Average🟨🟨🟨
AccointingHodler ($49)100Poor🟨🟥🟨
TokenTaxBasic ($65)500Poor🟥🟨🟥

How We Picked and Tested Crypto Tax Tools

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Part 1: The Play-By-Play

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We started with ~$500 of USDC, made a bunch of transactions, and then (tried to) calculate our taxes using these eight different providers.

The goal?

Find out which cryptocurrency tax software products were the most accurate, most automated, followed the crypto tax rules, and had the best user experience in preparing a crypto tax report.

What Crypto Transactions Did We Make?

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1. For starters, we swapped $500 worth of USDC for ~0.27 ETH on Uniswap, a decentralized exchange on Ethereum.

2. We then used some of this ETH to buy an NFT on X2Y2, an NFT trading platform.

3. We then deposited some of this ETH into AAVE, the top borrowing/lending platform on Ethereum …

… we borrowed $50 of USDC against this ETH deposit in AAVE …

… then we swapped this borrowed USDC for stETH (a liquid staking derivative for ETH) on Uniswap.

4. We bridged the remainder of our ETH to Arbitrum, a layer-2 scaling solution …

… we waited 15 minutes for the ETH to actually get to Arbitrum …

… we then swapped this ETH on Arbitrum for GMX (the native token of the GMX decentralized exchange) using Uniswap’s deployment on Arbitrum. Then we staked the GMX.

We waited two days …

… and then unwound everything!

The Unwind

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1. We tried to sell our NFT by listing it on x2Y2 …
…. we couldn’t find any takers.  So, we disposed of the NFT by sending it to Ethereum’s burn address …
but we claimed some X2Y2 token rewards (worth ~$1.25) for trading on the platform. Then we swapped these X2Y2 tokens for ETH.

2. We swapped our stETH for USDC and used the proceeds to repay our loan on AAVE …
… we removed our ETH deposit from AAVE.

3. We unstaked our GMX on Arbitrum, and swapped it for ETH using Uniswap …
… we then bridged this ETH back to Ethereum L1 using Hop, a cross-chain bridging protocol. It took a few minutes.

4. And voila! We got (pretty much) everything back into ETH on Ethereum L1.

Part 2: Assessing the Damage

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Well, that was fun!

But what actually happened when we pushed through all of these transactions to build a crypto tax report?

To answer this question, we first took a look at our trusty old block explorers. (Let’s not go into this tax calculation completely blind.)

What Did The Block Explorers Say?

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Here are the high level stats that we pulled together from Etherscan (Ethereum block explorer) and Arbiscan (Arbitrum block explorer).

Block explorer summary stats

This quick look at the explorers provided some valuable insight:

  1. We ended with far less (on both an ETH and a USD basis) than the ~$500 we started with.
  2. Ethereum transaction fees were the biggest reason that we lost money.
    (You’re welcome, ETH stakers.)
  3. Arbitrum L2 transaction fees were way lower than Ethereum L1 transaction fees. (Yup, L2s are actually driving down the cost of transacting on blockchains.)

What Did The Crypto Tax Software Say?

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That’s what the block explorers said. But what was the actual tax impact associated with our transactions?

To (try to) answer this question, we put these 7 crypto tax apps to the test: Accointing, Awaken, CoinLedger, CoinTracker, Crypto Tax Calculator, Koinly, and TokenTax.

For starters, we dropped our Ethereum and Arbitrum wallet addresses into each of these cryptocurrency tax software apps. They loaded up our transaction data, and did some number crunching.

Here are the high-level outputs they came back with:

Results of submitting crypto wallet addresses to different crypto tax platforms


We expected each of these crypto tax trackers to have slightly different results (and also expected some manual “touch-ups” to be required). But not anywhere close to this different to start with!

So, we started doing some digging.

Doing A “Sanity Check” On Crypto Taxes


We are not CPAs.

(Although they probably wouldn’t know how to account for all of this anyway.)

But we are also not incapable of doing some “back of the envelope” math to check the various crypto tax reports.

Based on our look at block explorers and our (rapidly fading) knowledge of our transaction history, we could safely infer:

  1. We should be reporting losses, not gains. We could have realized some small crypto gains over the two-day span. But we ended with a lot less than we started with.
  2. Transaction fees were the biggest reason we lost money. Across Ethereum and Arbitrum, we paid a total of ~$245 in fees.
  3. Buying and disposing of our NFT was the second biggest reason we lost money. We paid ~$110 for it (including transaction fees) and disposed of it for $0.

So, we did some more digging. We identified the transactions which resulted in the largest preliminary gains/losses across each provider.

Check out the table below.

The blue bars show the biggest gain recorded by each provider. The yellow bars show the biggest loss recorded by each provider.

Gains and losses on crypto taxes

Based on this “sanity check” of crypto tax software programs, we were able to conclude:

  1. Some crypto tax providers recorded large gains when we initially swapped USDC for ETH. CoinLedger and Crypto Tax Calculator marked the cost basis of our initial $500 USDC deposit as $0. So, when we executed the initial swap of USDC for ETH, they recognized gains in the ~$500 range.
  2. Some crypto tax tools did not record the disposal of our NFT as a loss. The biggest loss that CoinLedger realized was ~$26. According to TokenTax’s calculations, we only realized ~$1 of losses throughout the whole exercise.
  3. Some providers did not book a large gain when we initially swapped USDC for ETH (which makes sense from our perspective). They also recognized a meaningful loss when we disposed of our NFT (which also makes sense from our perspective).

At this point, we had an idea of who was in the right ballpark in terms of total gains/losses:

Right ballpark: Accointing, Awaken, CoinTracker, Koinly

More importantly, we knew who was definitely in the wrong ballpark.

Wrong ballpark: CoinLedger, Crypto Tax Calculator, TokenTax

Part 3: The Clean Up

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Getting Our Hands Dirty


With our original transaction data loaded into these crypto tax tools, now it was time to “touch-up” our transaction data and fill in some of the blanks.

We had three goals:

  1. Get providers that booked gains to reflect the economic reality that we lost money. (Let’s try to get them into the right ballpark.)
  2. Get providers that booked losses to reflect the correct amount of losses. (Let’s try to get them into the right section of the right ballpark.)
  3. Not spend an exorbitant amount of time doing so. (We wanted to be as correct as possible. But we ain’t got all week here.)

The amount of “cleanup” varied significantly.

Some providers required us to review/classify nearly 30 transactions, while others only required us to review/classify 5.

(Kinda makes sense given how all over the place preliminary gains/losses were.)

Adjusting tax information in crypto tax platforms

So, we rolled up our sleeves and got to making these adjustments.

Analyzing The Output

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After making all of the manual adjustments (to the best of our ability), here is where the final gains/losses stood.

Making manual transactions update on crypto tax platforms

Here are some of the “touch-ups” we made along the way to try to figure out the cryptocurrency taxes we owed:

  1. We marked our initial USDC deposit as a “gift” in CoinLedger and CryptoTax Calculator. This removed those big ~$500 gains by changing the cost basis of our initial USDC deposit from $0 to ~$500. (Phew! Glad that we caught that one.)
  2. We clarified that certain transactions were stake/unstake operations, others were payments of transaction fees, and others were bridging transactions.
    (We didn’t expect software that costs <$100 to be omniscient.)
  3. We input price data for a number of intermediary assets, such as “VARIABLEDEBTETHUSDC” which were not natively supported in these softwares.
    (We had pretty much no idea what “VARIABLEDEBTETHUSDC” was either.)

The good news? None of the providers were reporting taxable gains anymore.

The bad news? The amount of losses each provider reported still varied significantly.

  • Underreporting capital losses is like leaving money on the table. These losses can be used to offset other capital gains (e.g., gains made on sale of equities). And if we don’t have any gains that could be offset this year, we could also carry them forward and offset next year’s gains.

The really bad news? If we had actually been “in the green,” we could have potentially paid the IRS less than we owed in capital gains taxes. That would have been illegal.

Part 4: The Takeaways

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First off, calculating crypto taxes in the U.S. is challenging under the current tax regime. But, based on our analysis, some providers do a much better job than others.


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For the providers ranked “good,” we felt that we correctly made all necessary manual adjustments. While we felt the final gain/loss calculations were a bit conservative for some providers (e.g., Awaken’s), we understood how they got there and generally felt confident that their output was defensible.

The same could not be said for providers ranked “average” and “poor.” Given their lack of automation and the large quantity of manual adjustments required, we probably made errors along the way. We were not highly confident in the final gain/loss calculations of some providers (e.g., CoinLedger, Koinly). And we knew that other providers were still off by a sizeable margin (e.g., TokenTax).

Let’s unpack this a bit.

Cost Of Crypto Tax Software Tools

Crypto ZEUS

Given that we made less than 100 transactions, we chose the ~$50 to ~$100 plan for most providers. That allowed us to import all of our transaction data, access our tax calculations, and generate tax forms.

(Though 200 smackers for TokenTax did seem a bit steep.)

Going in, we knew that choosing the wrong provider could have caused us to underreport losses and leave money on the table. We also knew that choosing the wrong provider could have caused us to underreport gains which would put us in violation of tax law.

With that in mind, the cost didn’t factor into our ranking of different providers.

(Let’s just try to get our taxes done right.)


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When it came to assessing accuracy, we tried to answer two questions:

  1. How close were the total final gains/losses to our estimated range?
  2. How did providers account for income-generating events?

How close were they?

Based on our “back of the envelope” math, we estimated total capital losses somewhere in the range of ~$200 to ~$300. The two major components of this were:

  1. The disposal of our NFT. Including the purchase price of the NFT, the fees we paid to acquire it, and the fees we paid to dispose of it, we expected this to result in ~$110 to ~$120 of losses all-in.
  2. The transaction fees we paid along the way. These totaled ~$200 (excluding the fees associated with buying and selling the NFT). We knew we would be able to deduct the fees which we paid in conjunction with swapping assets, but we expected that others would not be tax deductible.
Capital gains and losses by transaction type on crypto tax platforms

Of the providers analyzed, CoinTracker and Crypto Tax Calculator ended up being the closest to our estimated range. Their NFT disposal losses were in line with our range, and the total amount of deductible fees that they calculated were in the range of ~$130 to ~$150.

(A big chunk of the fees we paid. But not all of them, which makes sense as not every fee payment is tax deductible.)

Accounting, Awaken, CoinLedger, and Koinly all had our NFT disposal losses in the same range. But when it came to deducting transaction fees, they were far lower. Since this comparison was performed in April 2023, Awaken Tax has since updated its tax treatment of transaction fees paid to swap assets. Accordingly, reported losses using Awaken’s software today would likely be higher than reported in the table above (on account of additional gas fees being deducted).

(A small chunk of the fees we paid. And likely failed to deduct all of the fees we paid to buy and dispose of assets.)

Rewards And Income

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Thus far, the focus has been entirely on the capital gain/loss side of things.

But what about income?

During the course of our transactions, there was one event that generated (barely material) income and should have been reported separately from our capital gains/losses: claiming X2Y2 tokens for trading NFTs on the x2y2 platform.

(Remember that $1.25?)

For tax purposes, these X2Y2 rewards should have been taxed as income upon receipt. And when we sold them, we should have realized a capital gain/loss.

(That’s right. A classic “double whammy”.)

As displayed in the table below, the tax treatment of these rewards differed meaningfully across providers.

Income and capital gains loss associated with rewards on different crypto tax tools

Awaken, and Crypto Tax Calculator recognized the $1.25 rewards as income but also offset the income with the fees we paid to claim the rewards (best treatment, in our opinion). Accointing and Koinly recognized the X2Y2 rewards as taxable income of $1.25 but did not deduct our fees (not bad, but also a bit conservative). CoinLedger, CoinTracker, and TokenTax did not recognize any income at all in conjunction with the X2Y2 rewards (not good).

On the capital losses side, all providers (with the exception of TokenTax) booked capital gains/losses in conjunction with our disposal of X2Y2 tokens. However, the capital gains/losses varied materially. We paid ~$5 in fees to claim these rewards and paid $10 in fees to sell them. So, while Cointracker did not recognize the rewards as income upon receipt, it deducted all of the fees we paid in conjunction with claiming and selling them.


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Brian Jung

Automation rankings were largely driven by the amount of “touch-ups” we had to make to get to completion.

Take a look at the transaction below from Accointing. It was marked as “no classification.”

An example transaction on Accointing

In order to classify it, we had to look to Etherscan to retrace our steps and figure out what this could be …

An example tax transaction on Accointing

… turns out it was a fee payment to authorize our initial USDC <> ETH swap on Uniswap

So, we went ahead and marked the transaction as “fee.”(And did so for about ten other transactions.)

Crypto tax transactions on Accointing

For more automated providers, that was not the case.

Take a look at the screenshot below from CoinTracker.

Crypto transactions on accointing

It is the same “fee” transaction that is displayed above in Accointing. But CoinTracker automatically classified this fee payment transaction as a “send” which would only have realized gains/losses on transaction fee disposals.

(Thank you for the 15 minutes back, CoinTracker!)

OK, one more example.

Take a look at this screenshot below from Crypto Tax Calculator.

Crypto Tax Calculator screenshot

When we staked GMX on Arbitrum, Crypto Tax Calculator (and some other providers) actually recorded six total transactions, which included intermediary mint/burn transactions.

All of these intermediary transactions needed to be classified. And all of them resulted in (pretty much) zero tax impact.

Now take a look at this screenshot below from Awaken.

Screenshot of swaps from Awaken

It is the same series of transactions that are displayed above in Accointing. But all of the sub-transactions were automatically classified under the same “Swap” transaction.

(Thanks for the 15 minutes back, Awaken!)

And last but not least: User Experience.

User Experience

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When ranking user experience, we tried to answer two questions:

  1. How easy/hard was it to classify transactions?
  2. How easy/hard was it to understand why we had gains or losses?

Classifying Transactions

Compared to other providers, Awaken had the best transaction classification scheme.

Take a look at the screenshot of Awaken’s classifications below.

Screenshot of Awaken's tax classifications

(Pretty much) every action that we made was easily classifiable under this scheme. It also eliminated other options which it knew would have been incorrect.

(See those options that are grayed out?)

That’s a big difference compared to other providers, which had less intuitive transaction classifications.

Take a look at the screenshot below from Accointing.

Screenshot from Accointing platform

There were several operations we performed (e.g., depositing our ETH collateral into AAVE, bridging from Ethereum L1 to Arbitrum L2, and disposing of our NFT) which did not map to Accointing’s classifications. We did our best to classify these but could have made errors along the way.

Viewing Gain/Loss Calculations

If a provider did not give us visibility into which transactions resulted in gains/losses, it was tough to audit tax calculations and make sure there were no “hiccups” in the reporting process.

Take a look at the screenshot below from TokenTax.

Screenshot from TokenTax

It shows all of the taxable events over the two-day span. Based on TokenTax’s interface, it was unclear what transactions resulted in gains/losses. Furthermore, the software did not provide links to the Etherscan/Arbiscan records we needed to “retrace our steps” to identify which transactions resulted in gains/losses.

With other providers, we got a granular insight as to how gains/losses were recorded.

Take a look at the screenshot from Awaken below.

Screenshot from Awaken platform

It clearly shows where we realized losses (on our actual sale of our stETH) and where we realized gains (disposing ETH to pay transaction fees to make the swap). (Makes sense to us!)

Which Crypto Tax Software Tool Is Right For You?

Everything Crypto

Several things stood out to us, which could be worth keeping in mind the next time you calculate your cryptocurrency taxes.

  1. How initial transaction data is classified is important.
    It drives the entire tax reporting process. Sure, we were able to make some modifications to get providers who were booking gains into the “right ballpark.” But we could have made plenty of mistakes along the way and significantly over or under-reported our taxable gains/losses.
  2. Our time horizon was very short.
    We made all of these transactions over a 2-day span. We still spent several hours digging through Etherscan and Arbiscan to retrace our steps as our memory of our transaction history faded.

    In reality, many people start doing their taxes ~12 to ~16 months after their first transaction of the year was made. So, if a provider’s initial profit/loss calculations were materially off and many manual adjustments were required, it would have been (pretty much) impossible to retrace steps taken over a year ago. (Try just remembering what you had for breakfast five days ago.)

Update: This article was updated on 5/8/23 to clarify that transactions are capable of being modified and classified with TokenTax. However no adjustments were made retroactively to the tax calculations/analysis in this article.

What Is Crypto Tax Software?

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Every Bit Helps

Taxes can be a complex task, and crypto taxes add another layer of complexity. Crypto tax software simplifies this process by gathering all the required data to calculate taxes on your crypto trades. In most cases, crypto tax software can also fill out the necessary forms to submit to the IRS. However, this convenience often comes with a fee.

If you’re on a budget or want to try tax software on for size with no commitment, you’ve got options. Sure, the free stuff might have some limitations, like preview-only views and caps on transactions. But, they can still help you prep your crypto taxes.

Here are a few you could give a test drive.

1. Crypto.com Tax

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Think Stocks

Crypto.com’s tax service syncs with several popular exchanges, such as Coinbase and Binance.US. The bad news is that it doesn’t support other major exchanges like Robinhood, Swan, and eToro.

On the plus side, their web app supports wallets in a wide range of tax jurisdictions, and there don’t appear to be any hidden costs. Score! While Crypto.com Tax provides Excel-compatible reports, it doesn’t provide Form 1040 Schedule D or Form 8949.

2. Taxbit

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Freedom Group

Taxbit’s US-only free tier offers tax reporting for unlimited transactions and syncs with many well-known exchanges, including the usual suspects like Coinbase and Binance.US. You can also import balances and transactions with wallets. Taxbit provides 8949 tax forms as well as Excel-compatible spreadsheets. Expect limited support with the free tier if things go awry, largely limited to reading help pages.

3. Koinly Free Plan

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Coin Bureau

Koinly requires a plan upgrade if you want to download your tax forms or export them to your tax software, but you can preview your taxes for up to 10,000 transactions with the free plan. Import your crypto shenanigans from Coinbase, Gemini, Binance.US, and dozens of other exchanges and wallets. You won’t be able to view cost basis calculations with the free plan, making Koinly’s free tier better suited to previews than tax preparation.

4. Coinpanda

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If you’re an infrequent trader, Coinpanda’s free tier may be a fit and provides more accurate token detection than some others in our roundup. The free tier offers tax reports for up to 25 transactions and even provides email support. Connect Coinpanda to dozens of leading exchanges and wallets to get an overview of your crypto assets, gains, and losses in one place. Import from Kraken, Coinbase, Binance.US, and others. The free tier provides IRS forms (8949, Schedule D) as well as reports compatible with TurboTax and TaxAct.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Everyday Investing

In our testing, we compared several top crypto tax tools, scoring each for Accuracy, Automation, and User Experience. CoinTracker and Awaken came out on top, with both earning a “Good” rating.

TurboTax can incorporate your crypto taxes to file your taxes with the IRS, but the product isn’t designed to find all the data you’ll need to prepare Form 8949 and your Schedule D. Crypto tax software can collect the info you need, and then export to TurboTax or TaxAct. The following crypto tax apps can integrate with TurboTax:

  • CoinTracker
  • Awaken
  • Crypto Tax Calculator
  • CoinLedger
  • Koinly
  • Accointing (CSV upload to TurboTax)
  • TokenTax (Form 8949 upload to TurboTax online)

We compared the features and performance of these apps in the article above.

CoinLedger has built-in tax-loss harvesting features for cryptocurrencies and offers an NFT tax loss harvester. TokenTax also provides tax-loss harvesting features. We reviewed our overall experience with each in the article above.

We tested several leading crypto tax apps, with CoinTracker and Awaken earning top spots in our review. These apps work similarly, pulling transaction data from the blockchain to help you prepare your crypto taxes.

Here are the crypto tax apps we reviewed in order of rating, highest first:

  • CoinTracker
  • Awaken
  • Crypto Tax Calculator
  • CoinLedger
  • Koinly
  • Accointing
  • TokenTax

In our review, CoinTracker and Awaken both scored a “Good” rating, with the other apps scoring “Average” or lower.

Some crypto tax software is free to use, but you may run into limitations in the number of transactions supported by the free version. For example, CoinTracker offers a free plan with a 25-transaction limit. Most crypto software requires a paid plan, which typically costs $49 and up for the base-level plan, often supporting about 100 transactions. Users with more transactions may need to upgrade to a premium plan.

For many people, filing crypto taxes is a two-step process that uses crypto tax software in combination with common tax-filing software like TurboTax or TaxAct.

For example, you could use CoinTracker or Awaken — both top-rated picks in our tax software review — to pull in transactions from exchanges and blockchains. Then, you can export the transaction data to a supported tax app, like TurboTax. Each type of tax software excels in its own area, with crypto tax software being well suited to track crypto transactions and general tax software better suited to general taxes, including deductions, and more.

We tested both CoinTracker and Koinly using the same series of crypto transactions. CoinTracker performed better for that set of transactions, scoring a “Good” overall rating. By comparison, Koinly required more manual corrections to get the numbers right, scoring an “Average” overall rating in our testing.

In our testing, we didn’t test specifically for mining. However, for hobbyists, mining income is treated similarly to staking income.

We tested several of the top crypto software apps with NFT purchases and dispositions (we burned the NFT) to see which apps handled the transactions best. Awaken and Koinly were the standouts in NFT accounting. Awaken scored a “Good” overall rating, while “Koinly” performed “Average” when comparing Accuracy, Automation, and User Experience for all transactions.


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  • Biden Budget Plan Would Close Crypto Tax Loss Harvesting Loophole. (2023). Yahoo.
  • Bitcoin Futures-Contract Specs. (2023). CME Group.
  • IRS Guidance On Digital Assets. (2023). IRS.
  • IRS Frequently Asked Questions on Virtual Currency Transactions. (2023). IRS.
  • What is Taxable and Nontaxable Income? (2023). IRS.
  • IRS Notice 2014-21 on Taxation of Virtual Currency. IRS.

Andrew Cahill

Andrew Cahill

Data Analyst

Andrew previously was a Research Director at The Block; a crypto media and research company. Prior to that, he was a Research Analyst at Fundstrat; an investment research firm.

Shannon Ullman

Shannon Ullman

Managing Editor

Managing editor working to make crypto easier to understand. Pairing editorial integrity with crypto curiosity for content that makes readers feel like they finally “get it.”

Lorenzo Abbatiello

Lorenzo Abbatiello

Crypto & tax partner at Origins Group

Lorenzo has been in the cryptocurrency industry as a professional and investor since 2016 serving hundreds of crypto clients and businesses. Some of the sectors which Lorenzo focuses on today are Alternative Tax Planning, Trust and Estate Taxes, PR Act 60, and NFT/Crypto taxation and compliance. He is currently a crypto and tax partner at Origins Group.


Article information

Author: Cheryl Jones

Last Updated: 1700151842

Views: 1823

Rating: 4.5 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Cheryl Jones

Birthday: 2016-05-15

Address: 28073 Douglas Greens Apt. 297, Port Pennyborough, NY 48565

Phone: +3674630993985291

Job: Sales Representative

Hobby: Magic Tricks, Bird Watching, Swimming, Writing, Golf, Billiards, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Cheryl Jones, I am a proficient, audacious, exquisite, Precious, unguarded, brilliant, candid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.